
I’m messy.

My world is not well ordered. Never has been. Likely never will be this side of heaven. God is redeeming me anyway.

I’m broken.

Some experiences shatter you a little. Or a lot. I’ve had those. God is redeeming me anyway.

I’m imperfect.

Undeserving of redemption. Look close enough and you’ll see it. God is redeeming me anyway.

I’ll never make it.

Good thing it isn’t up to me anyway.

Good thing it’s not up to you either.

By the way… My name is Laura.

Laura Haines 215x135

Photo of my favorite flower courtesy of Lori Ayers Schweers

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1 Comment

  1. Lindy J Combs

    Laura, I love your writing style. I am also a #Metoo person. You are so accurate in how you put it. Takes decades, and then as we emerge to be who we really are, we see the enormous value of God was creating in every day of our broken lives. Jesus was broken too, wasn’t He.

    My heart, I sense that it is feeling yours. So dreadful what you experienced, to be so devalued. Praise Father Abba that He made the way and Jesus brought grace and truth.

    We are new creations. Hallelujah!! Drum roll!! Cymbals!!


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