1. ·

    Lots of filth is coming out about this. This one has stuck in my mind: A woman said her attacker said “I want pussy” and she realised she was a thing not a person to him. There are female defenders of Mr Trump, but the visibility and the anger of women coming out and saying these things, and women talking of experiences with other men- all not-okay- might bring real change. As long as he is not elected. The bravery of the accusers and our love care and support for each other are beautiful.

    I love the catchphrase. The cocoon is gone!

  2. Jennifer Gorman

    I was there for my older cousin’s version of Donald Trump, when I was in Fifth Grade and he had been helping me with my math homework, and then he said he should “help” me do “gym homework” too, so I wouldn’t be the only girl, (he knew that I was the geek and lonely girl of my class, small town life) who couldn’t do a headstand, so he would help me with my balance by holding me, yes. There. So that, as a woman in my marriage bed, as a virgin, I still felt both dirty for my husband and like I had to hide and worry that he would not listen to me say stop either…

    Thankfully, 26 years later, we are the happy ending…. kind of…

    1. Laura Haines

      I’m so sorry that happened to you, Jennifer. I wish this were not so commonplace, but it most definitely is. I believe we’re starting to do a better job of teaching respect for one another’s bodies, the importance of consent, and raising awareness that touching someone inappropriately is not something to minimize or ignore, but rather something to call out and be held accountable for. Thank you for sharing, Jennifer. (((hugs)))

  3. Victor Schafer

    Laura, your writings are powerful and leave me speechless. They are a must read for all persons who have been inappropriately touched or abused. I have dealt with individuals that have committed incest, are pedophiles or sexual abusers and classify them as sociopaths, and narcissistic loser that ought to be jailed My heart goes out to you and all women who have been subjected to such behavior. In this rural 4-corners one of our larger problems is sociological domestic sexual abuse so we are well acquainted with the problem. Your writings fill me with a tsunami of emotions and disgust for sexual predators.

    1. Laura Haines

      Thank you, Mandi. I know you have your own story too, that you have bravely and powerfully shared as well. (((hugs))) Here’s hoping brave is contagious and that, as awareness rises, more raise their voices to say “This is not okay.”


  4. ·

    I so admire your courageousness! Things that MUST be said, you and others like you are willing to step up and say them. Thank you.

    1. Laura Haines

      They gotta be said. May as well say ’em. Thank you for your encouragement, Gloria. Every little bit helps.

  5. Jane

    Yes, thank you for this. I was raped and molested by my grandfather from about age 7 or 8 until age 13. He was a church elder, well-respected in the community. At his sentencing trial? A gallery full of church members and the pastor all there in full support of him. Now this past week, I have seen Christians in full support of Trump, dismissing everything. I am the Preschool Coordinator at our church and I have to serve alongside so many of these defenders, and I am just at a loss of what to do and just plain weary. I just don’t get it. It has been such a dreadful week.

    1. Laura Haines

      Jane, that is dreadful. I can just imagine that gallery. And I feel for you, having to work alongside any of them. I sucked it up for years and stayed in the church that abused and silenced me while it supported and promoted my abusers, so I know how hard that can be. It’s a soul and psyche-splitting place to be. (((hugs))) Please take care of yourself. (((hugs)))


  6. ·

    I wish I could see my screen better right now. I’m blinded by so many tears. I’ve walked down many similar roads. My heart is shattered, but has found strength in your words this evening.

  7. Peter Llewellyn

    Well said Laura. It is disgraceful that an election campaign for the highest office your land, and the most powerful position in all our lands, should have been like this. I am saddened beyond words that so many Americans think this stuff is OK to be associated with a Presidential candidate, let alone coming from his own proud mouth. (And yes, a former President too; as if that makes it any better.) Add to this the incitement to violence and we have a full package of abuse. Thank you for standing against it.


  8. ·

    Hi Laura. Thank you for sharing your story and your heart. It takes courage to stand up and say this is NOT okay, and I’m grateful you are saying just that.

    I work for ForEveryMom.com, a Christian parenting site, and I would love to share this post with our readers. With your permission, we’d republish it on our site, giving you full credit as author, linking back to the original post, and including your bio and head shot. Please let me know if you have any questions and if you’ll allow us to share your post. Thank you!


  9. ·

    This sexual assault survivor is tired of people defending powerful men accused of sexual assault—because it s not okay.


  10. ·

    This sexual assault survivor is tired of people defending powerful men accused of sexual assault—because it s not okay.


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