Jesus touched lepers.
He spoke with and esteemed women.
He ate and drank with sinners.
Close contact was his specialty.
And the religious leaders of his day were scandalized, because, you see, separation was theirs. 😉
They liked it. They stood proudly upon it. They policed it.
Separation, segregation, kept the religious-elite in their place and the rest in theirs.
But close contact between Jesus and those who had been denied access, changed lives, healed wounds, saved souls.…
Separation is not the answer, guys.
Closeness, compassion, esteeming, accepting, associating, relating…that’s where it’s at folks. That’s where the good stuff of our Christian faith is.
Not the alternative.
Because when you really get to know someone…

their heart, their struggles…

unless your heart is made of stone, you will see in them what is worthy of love, of protection, and of every right you enjoy.

You will want them to be treated equally…

want them to be shown compassion…

and want to defend them when bigotry and injustice are served instead.

It stops being simply opinion or policy and starts being people.

And that clarity can help change your opinion, which can then change policy, which can then change lives for the better.
Photo Credit: Robert Cheaib — Kids and joy
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Thanks for your post! May we continue to all be like Jesus.
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Yes! Thank you, Justin. More Jesus is always gonna be a good thing.
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Great stuff – vibrating with the life and love of our ‘in your face’ Jesus.
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What a great line, George. Love it! Yes, Jesus’ ‘in your face’ looked so very different from the religious elites’ ‘in your face.’ I like his face much better. 🙂 I think we all do. Thanks again.
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I love that as well, George! Thank you Laura Haines for your bravery in speaking the REAL truth. Jesus loves each and everyone of his created beings! He shows respect and understanding even beyond what we, as mere humans can extend to those different from us. I just pray I can emulate His example in my daily journey.
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I’m happy and proud to call you friend! I love your writings, keep it up! 🙂 xo