1. D'Lane

    I believe I had this exact moment last Wednesday night when I held the pills in my hand. Hating myself, hating that is just hurt the person I love the most in this world and being so lost I saw no other choice. Then something stopped me and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be so selfish to not stay and own up to what I’d done. Now I live with the silence until I’m forgiven but I’m ok with it- gives me time to keep forgiving myself and healing the damage I caused myself in that moment of darkness.

    1. Laura Haines

      Those black pixies are the worst. Convincing yourself the world is better off without you. That the only one you can lash out at is yourself. God and His Word say different. David did a lot of ranting. Didn’t faze God a bit. God’s grace is so big even if someone else’s isn’t. He’s a good place to rest as you deal up and heal up. Praying for you, Woman.


  2. ·

    Sharing your story will aid in keeping the door open for many others. Praying that those searching for grace find this place.


  3. ·

    Dear Laura,
    I shared this one on my timeline. It needs to be read and read and read some more.
    I wrote a poem called, Cover Me Up, about being naked and vulnerable, exposed. This is the first time I have ever thought of GRACE as the perfect cover. Thank you.

    1. Laura Haines

      Thank you, Candace. Hopefully it helps a few others to open their doors and let God see. God’s grace is big. And fluffy.


  4. ·

    This is absolutely wonderful! This is the kind of message that the world needs to hear, the kind of message that truly sets someone free. This grace is big, WOW. This reminds me of the Mercy Seat. There were limitations to the dimensions of the Mercy Seat like absolute length and breadth. But we are told nothing about the thickness of the Mercy Seat. Which tells us that the Grace of God is; yes BIG and limitless. The thickness of His grace cannot be measured!! Thanks, I loved this article God bless you!

    1. Laura Haines

      Wow. Thank you, Elenah. Yes, God’s grace is big. Bigger even than we want it to be.

  5. Anna

    Wow! Thank you! I’m speechless. You are a very powerful vessel for God’s truth, love, and mercy. I know your courage, honesty, and willingness could not have come easily, but it shows how strong you grow my are. My point is that it is never easy to make oneself so vulnerable even when it is necessary in order to allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth through you and I do believe your words came directly from Him. It is so vital to have “real Christians” speaking up rather than “church face Christians” if that makes sense.

    1. Laura Haines

      Thank you, Anna. No, it’s not easy. There are always some who think dirty laundry should be quietly washed and folded and put away, not put on display. But my nearest and dearest, closest and bestest friends are the ones who can come over with no make-up and no shower, clear a spot on my laundry-filled couch and either happily ignore it with me or help me fold. Family and friends like this make me feel loved, accepted, and understood, holey underwear and all. Christians or not, we can all do a better job of loving and accepting each other and helping each other match up our mixed baskets of socks.

  6. Susan Elizabeth Henson

    Just Beautiful!! I love the part about “this time, I left the door wide open for God to see”.
    Isn’t it funny how we do that? For some reason we believe that our worst sins somehow are hidden from God!

    1. Laura Haines

      “Isn’t it funny how we do that? For some reason we believe that our worst sins somehow are hidden from God!” I know! Right? 😉 Thanks for the comment, Susan. 🙂 ((hugs))


  7. ·

    So much to hear in this…. I’m listening too. I needed to hear this myself…at 65 y.o still healing…..it’s a process for sure… thank you for you openness.

    1. Laura Haines

      It sure is, Gloria. A lifetime one at that. And one He is fully in on. 🙂 Thank you for your comment.

  8. Paul Appleby

    I find that what frees me is the knowledge that God refuses to look at my sins. He chooses only to look at me with hilarious love in his eyes. Sin seems to lose its power over me when I remind myself that it is already dealt with and I am in full loving union through Christ no matter what I feel, do or say. I am transformed by the renewing of my mind. My mind is the real battlefield not my sins.

    1. Laura Haines

      I think He looks straight through all of it and sees me, sees us all. And, yes, with “hilarious love in his eyes.” 🙂 Renewing, refreshing, repenting — they’re all a returning of our mind, our hearts, our eyes to Jesus. Thank you for your words, Paul. Always thoughtful and spot on. <3


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