1. ·

    Wow Laura. Just, wow. For years I have wondered how to describe the pain that comes out once the box, or in my case, boxes, are opened. You have done a beautiful job explaining the “killing thing” as I believe the enemy is “searching to devour” when one of us, though Christ’s, decides to do the hard, painful, transforming work of healing from sexual abuse. I think he knows, that through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, we will soar and be transformed through the truth of God’s Word and the love and kindness of others. I treasure those who were willing to just listen as I processed memory after memory. For awhile, it seemed they would never stop. And during all of it, the pull is there to resist the pain and stop the process. But, perservering and pushing forward causes that deep-seated, cutting hurt and shame to finally release, no longer able to even sting. It is a beautiful work the Lord does in turning what Satan meant for evil into what God uses for good! You are living proof that’s possible. So thankful too for the outspoken women like Mary Demuth, Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Sheila Walsh who have all been willing to rise up and tell their stories of sexual abuse allowing us to see first-hand what a Mighty God can do!

    1. Laura Haines

      “I treasure those who were willing to just listen…” I do too. Took me a long time to be able to open my mouth that wide. But when I did, the ones who held their breath and listened were the life-savers and hope-givers. You don’t think you can live with those words on the outside of you. They showed me that I could.

  2. Monica Benton

    Your words on opening that box and the devasation that unfolds so clearly describes it.


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