1. Joni

    I am so proud of you and your belief in God. I know how hard it has been for you over the past few years and it’s amazing to see how God has worked to strengthen you. Keep writing. Your Redemption story is powerful.

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Thank you, Joni. Your friendship, your endurance and authenticity in it, is one of the reasons why I’m still here. Love and appreciate you.

  2. robin

    Laura, was a journey the Lord has taken you on to find your voice. I’m so glad you are free! Beautiful post.

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines


      I can’t thank you enough for coming alongside me as you have these last two years. Your guiding and mentoring me through The Wounded Heart, your prayers, your willingness to have many a tearful breakfast at Ihop with me, are a huge part of why I’m still here. You were an up close example to me of recovery and redemption when I absolutely could not see these things for myself. You gave me hope. And I will be eternally grateful.

      Dear Jesus, a few extra jewels in Robin’s crown, please. Feel free to take ’em from mine if there are any. Thank you. Amen.

  3. Paula

    Laura, thank you so much for flying, and yes, your wings are beautiful. I have wanted to know you for a very long time, and in a small way, even though our lives don’t cross paths very much, I can get to know you here. You are lovely and you bless my life by your new found flight!! I rejoice with you. I also admire your courage. That always encourages us all!! Thanks, Laura!! BTW, you are a very good writer.

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Oh, Paula, thank you so much. I have only and ever heard good things about you. So grateful to have the opportunity to get to know you a little better through mini-church. Thank you for letting us land there.


  4. ·

    I’m so humbled to play a small part in God’s big redemption story. Happy birthday a day late. I am simply AMAZED at the woman you are becoming.

  5. Laura Haines Laura Haines

    And I am simply grateful. Eternally so. Thank you, Mary, for being willing to play your part. You’ve had a significant impact on my life and moving me forward in it. Please, never discount the impact of your words, your ministry.

  6. Kathryn

    Mary was the guest speaker this past weekend at my church’s Women’s Spring Conference and what a blessing she was to us!!! Although my journey is very different than yours or Mary’s, I wasn’t sure what to expect and was also greatly impacted by Gods message thru her.
    I look forward to reading your posts in the future. And I agree with your observation that God literally pushes us into certain situations and has such a sense of humor.
    Thank you for sharing your story!!!

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      So good to know our journeys don’t have to exactly match to make an impact. I guess that’s proof that it’s not the journey, but the God that’s evident in it every step of the way. I’ve had people try to talk me out of seeing Him as pushy. “Maybe try to see Him as just offering you an opportunity.” But then they happen to be with me the next time my God gives me a shove, and they change their tune. “Yeah. He’s pushy.”

  7. Ethel M Miller

    Laura, I want to wish you a HAPPY birthday — and especially a” free to fly” birthday. It took courage, plus oceans of tears and someone who understood for you to take the first step to FREEDOM. Fly, little blue butterfly, you are beautiful.

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Thank you, Ethel. Oceans is right. (((hugs)))


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