1. kel

    You continue to amaze me. You’ve always possessed and unknowingly displayed a quiet inner strength in the 20 plus years since I first met you. Despite the enemy’s attempts to turn you into something putrid, horrible and not worthy you have been a shining example of a loving Godly individual to me each and every time I’ve been around you. I love you and think you are the coolest! Rock on sweet cuz

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Love you so much, Kelly. One of the biggest perks of marrying my awesome hubby is the family I married into and got to be blessed with. You have always amazed me, and I’ve always wished we lived closer. You’re the coolest in my book.

  2. Karen Keplinger

    I always felt we shared a deeper kinship beyond being sisters in Christ.
    May God bless your brave, trembling steps. May He continue to give you courage to speak out and bless others, even if there be critics.
    Love in Christ…

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Have always felt compelled to hug you whenever I would see you. Love you, sweet sister. (((hugs)))


  3. ·

    Oh Laura, Your writing is penetrating. That’s good. And, bad, as I’m sure you understand. I too shared my story at Mary’s request, so I feel like you and I are like her little, redeemed sisters, following along on the same painfully transforming path. Your story is hard to read. It makes me want to pick up that little girl, in only panties, outside, cover her with a soft, warm blanket because she’s way too precious to be so exposed, so vulnerable, and sit her on my lap to tell her your story. I would tell her she is going to be ok. That life will wound, hurt, betray and leave her abondoned, but that a very big, powerful, loving, kind Father will always be with her, holding her hand, carrying her at times when she can’t take another step. I would tell her about you, her brave, strong, bold, courageous, truth-speaking adult self, who, despite many attempts to hold her down and keep her trapped, escapes victoriously! I would tell her how you go on to reach down to your other sisters, still in the darkness, lifting them up to freedom, truth, beauty, value. I would tell her that even though it was scary, you were brave. Praise God for how you are being stretched and molded to give comfort with the comfort with which you have been comforted! (Man, that’s a tricky verse. ) I am going to subscribe to your blog in hopes that the Lord will use more of your words to convict, pierce and encourage me. Bless you, Your Sister, Candace

    1. Laura Haines Laura Haines

      Thank you, Candace. Thank you for that perspective. Your words are like a comfy blanket and a creamy cup of encouragement to me. Will have to read and re-read them every time I slam into another closed glass window. Honored to have you flying alongside. (If you’re gonna follow me, may want to bring along a hard hat though) And Mary’s great, isn’t she? Her ministry is so much more than words on a page. “Little, redeemed sisters.” I like that. 🙂 (((hugs)))

  4. Susan Henson

    I have been brought to tears by your story of God’s graces in your times (life) of hardship. My heart and soul ache for that little girl inside of the strong, independent woman of faith that you are now. I, too, have a story that I need to tell for others who have been through what I have been through, so your quotes really inspire me! So I thank you for those also!

    1. Laura Haines

      Tell it, Susan. You never know who you’re gonna help, who you’re gonna inspire, who you’re gonna nudge forward with your words. And, btw, thank you for your words of encouragement for me. (((hugs)))


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